#d0lby/darkness this module is my contribution for the southern party '93 music competition. >>it's party time!!<< some spanish greets 2 estrayk,kustom,troglo warlock and the rest of darkness! and to: incubus & agnus y/afl excelsior,gurumaster evelred,yoyo & the rest of f.g.,lawyer, spiri,black falcon, pitu,panoramix,tetsuo & the rest of balance & last but not least spectro/independent outside greets to all friends like conquest /scoopex,noice/polari s,log!c/movement,drag os/s!p,and all i 4got if you are a c00l musician or you need a music for your game write 2: d0lby/dks p.o.box 4004 29080 malaga spain!